Vol. 7, No. 2


Vilém Novotný, Lucie Buchtíková Ke studiu poradenských systémů v oblasti veřejných politik politických stran: Východiska výzkumu na příkladu ČSSD a ODS
Abstract Czech political parties, as other parties in liberal democracies, play an important role in policy-making process. Contemporary welfare state, for example, reforms have challenged their policy-related capacities and put them under the stress because they have to mobilise rel- evant policy expertise to sustain their position in the policy-making. We assume that these arrangements take form of policy advice system that can be defined as a configuration of actors dealing with policy analysis (see Howlett 2009 etc.). The article aims to propose gen- eral model of party policy advisory system and to explore its applicability on selected Czech political parties. We argue that is possible to apply policy work concepts to parties but it should consider different settings and goals of these organisations. Based on our research, the model of party policy advisory system consists of intra-party (party bureaucracy and internal to party organized according to three party “faces” concept (Katz and Mair) and extra-party (modified Kuhne´s resources of external political advising) arrangements. We applied this model to exploration of policy advisory systems configuration of two previous pillars of Czech party system, Social Democrats (ČSSD) and Civic Democrats (ODS) in 2013.
Michel Perottino Expertíza v českých politických stranách: teoretický a praktický rámec
Abstract Expertise is becoming increasingly present, especially in political discourse, even if political parties have long been cooperating with experts. The aim of this article is to remind the general context of parties expert capacities (particularly expert commissions) and to pre- sent the current trend of using expertise in several parties, considering that its development in the last decade goes in parallel with other processes (professionalisation, outsourcing, depoliticization). If the classic party expertise was part of the search for solutions in accord- ance with the principle of representativeness, currently we can see that there is a greater emphasis on efficiency. Seemingly expertise depoliticised, while there is a process of politi- cization of expertise.
Jakub Stauber Organizační vývoj nových politických stran v České republice pohledem teorie institucionalizace
Abstract The latest development of the Czech party system is mainly characterized by increasing electoral support of genuinely new political parties, namely Věci Veřejné in 2010 and ANO in 2013. Such initial success has far reaching consequences to the development of internal organizational structure of new political parties. The article deals with phenomenon of electoral success of those genuinely new political parties in the perspective of institutionalization theory which is capable to explain their formation and organizational development. The primary goal of the article is to analyse processes leading to stabilisation or failure of intra-party structures and organization as a whole. The electoral success of new political parties was in both cases already connected with personalised leadership of political entrepreneur and with the use of managerial approach or advanced marketing techniques.
Jana Vargovčíková, Kateřina Merklová Politika soukromé expertízy. Získávání vlivu v tvorbě politik prostřednictvím odbornosti
Abstract Private actors are becoming increasingly involved in drafting public policy at various levels of governance, with expertise as a key resource for access. Crossing the perspectives of interest group theory and public policy analysis, the article explores under what circumstances and through what channels private expertise gets to play a role in the Czech policy-making, and how private actors as expertise providers relate to public actors in this process, in particular to political parties. The article proposes that the private actors’ influence is determined by the nature of the policy issue and the prevailing logic of the policy making process, understood following Claudio Radaelli as a proportion between the visibility and the uncertainty in the process. As an empirical enquiry into these assumptions, we present two dissimilar cases: the Czech pension reform and the transposition of the EU directive on the energy performance of buildings into Czech law. Although their analysis confirms much of the initial hypotheses, it brings a more nuanced view of the impact of the complexity-visibility ratio on the role of private expertise by pointing to the dissociated character of the different stages of the process, as well as to the fact that political actors’ demand for private expertise may be motivated by its other functions than as a knowledge input.


Hana Kubátová Sedmý milion: Izraelci a holokaust
Marián Sekerák Znovu jsme se ujali dědictví otců... Konzervativní politický katolicismus v USA na pozadí komparace Michaela Novaka a Patricka Buchanana