Brzda, plyn, nebo deformátor? Maďarský smíšený volební systém a jeho dvacetileté působení na tvar maďarské politiky

Josef Mlejnek
Brake, Accelerator, or Deflector? Hungarian Mixed Electoral System after Twenty Years
The article is focused on the Hungarian mixed electoral system. Although it helped to divide the Hungarian political scene into two main blocks and to form absolute governmental majority after all the elections so far, it also has had a few questionable consequences. Owing to a complex structure of the Hungarian society from the social and value interests and attitudes´ point of view, it is debatable whether an electoral system that helps to form a bipolar party system is suitable for the country. The article then asks whether the Hungarian electoral system is not too “strong”, whether it does not lead to too violent a connection of some cleavages, and thus more to a deformation of the political scene, the consequence of which is an excessive polarization and inability of the political system to solve some vital issues of the Hungarian state and society adequately.