Otázka paralelného výkonu verejných funkcií v územnej samospráve a funkcie poslanca NR SR

Daniel Klimovský
Issue of Parallel Discharge of Self-governmental Offices and Office of MP in Slovakia: A Brief Discussion on Some Points
The parallel discharge of some self-governmental offices and office of MP is not any extraordinary situation in the European conditions. There are several countries where such parallel discharge is allowed (e.g. Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden) but also several countries where such discharge is forbidden (e.g. Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldavia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine). As far as Slovakia, discharge of the self-governmental offices is compatible with discharge of the office of MP. However, two draft bills, which should introduce incompatibility of these offices, were submitted in the Parliament at the beginning of 2009. The submission brought up a discussion, and the article is dedicated to the main points of this discussion. It shows that some of the presented points are irrelevant, and some are interpreted in a wrong or misleading way. For this purpose, the author utilizes the description and analysis of both relevant laws or documents and statements as well as activities of the concerned actors.