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For authors
Publication ethics
Call for Abstracts: VI. Congress of the Czech Political Science Association

Profile of ACPO.cz

Acta Politologica intends to focus on power analysis and analysis of power relations in current political system in both regional, i.e. local, and world context. Political science survey of Acta Politologica is connected with theme analysis definition, not with branch based access to power analysis. The emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary aspects of power analysis.

Preferred thematic range is the field of comparative political science, i.e. municipal issues, electoral studies, decentralization and analysis of politically relevant identities and transition question, questions of political actors and relationship between them with emphasis on forming specific, for power relations relevant identity and their changes on the timeline.


Recenzovaný online časopis vydává

Univerzita Karlova v Praze

Katedra politologie

Institutu politologických studií

Fakulty sociálních věd



Katedra politologie

Institut politologických studií

Fakulta sociálních věd UK

U Kříže 8

158 00 Praha 5 - Jinonice


email: acpo@fsv.cuni.cz

tel: +420 251 080 214



 Institute of Political Science
 Faculty of Social Science
 Charles University in Prague
 The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity (ALPPI)

Last update 8.09 2015 16:24, Webmaster - Email : acpo@fsv.cuni.cz