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For authors
Publication ethics
Call for Abstracts: VI. Congress of the Czech Political Science Association


Acta Politologica journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices. All authors submitting their works to the AcPo journal for publication as original articles attest that the submitted works represent their authors’ contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works. The authors acknowledge that they have disclosed all and any actual or potential conflicts of interest with their work or partial benefits associated with it. In the same manner, the AcPo journal is committed to objective and fair double-blind peer-review of the submitted for publication works and to prevent any actual or potential conflict of interests between the editorial and review personnel and the reviewed material. Any departures from the above-defined rules should be reported directly to the Editors-in-Chief, who is unequivocally committed to providing swift resolutions to any of such a type of problems.

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Katedra politologie

Institutu politologických studií

Fakulty sociálních věd



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Fakulta sociálních věd UK

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 Institute of Political Science
 Faculty of Social Science
 Charles University in Prague
 The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity (ALPPI)

Last update 8.09 2015 16:24, Webmaster - Email : acpo@fsv.cuni.cz