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Call for Abstracts: VI. Congress of the Czech Political Science Association



ExternĂ­ odkaz Obsah





Karolína Šurda Malcová


ExternĂ­ odkaz Malé místní samosprávy na území Velké Británie?



The article provides a case study about the lowest level of local government in England. It does not mention so-called principal councils that are legal term for counties, districts and unitaries. It does not question a deeply rooted knowledge on large local authorities in the Great Britain, but the text tries to bring a different perspective on the British local government. It is focused on the parish/town councils in England. Territories of Wales, Scotland and the North Ireland are not included because of there was a different development, especially after devolution process. The parishes form the most local level of government and their overwhelming majority represents populations of less than 5,000. Parishes suffer from two difficulties. They do not cover the whole territory of England and they are not obliged to providing particular services and facilities by law. They have no statutory duties, but they possess some statutory rights. The scope of services depends on their own decision. During the time parishes have gained stronger support from central government and currently they strengthen their position thanks promoting the radical decentralisation of power by coalition government. This happened on the backdrop of long-lasting and continuous local government restructuration and merging to greater and greater local authorities.




Jan Čopík


ExternĂ­ odkaz Proměny lokálních politických mechanismů v prostředí české územní samosprávy



Modern local administration in the Czech Republic was established more than 160 years ago. Throughout the decades that followed, the form of this local administration was influenced by changes of political regime at the national level. However, long-term continuity is evident in many municipal administrations – both on a personal level, and in terms of cleavage lines. Using the example of several municipalities, the article focuses on the transformation of local political mechanisms - particularly in the Cisleithan period and the interwar Czechoslovakia period. Specifically, it mainly deals with the establishment of local government bodies and polemic transformations within local governments.




Kateřina Vojtíšková


ExternĂ­ odkaz Rozvoj kultury v malé obci Středočeského kraje



This study attempts to understand a local development in one rural village in the Central Bohemian region of the Czech Republic. A case study has been conducted in small municipality called Zelená (N=300) in order to investigate the role of a mayor as a local authority and examine more closely her role and role of local government in local development, particularly in the field of culture (library, museum, social events) since the village is characterized by unusual public expenditures on culture. The analysis focuses on political process from 1989 and examines budgeting in the last decade. The result of the study shows significant promotion of cultural events and genesis of minor rural tourist site managed by mayor. However this achievement has not been adequately negotiated with citizens and improvement of local quality of life or citizen participation can be disputed.




Ilona Kruntorádová


ExternĂ­ odkaz Regionální patron jako fenomén reprezentace zájmů



Way of promoting the municipal actors´ interests differs across Europe. Southern European model based on the accumulation of mandates, strong personal relationships and the position of mayor as a local leader and northern European model based on indirect interest through interest association can be considered in conformity with classic vertical typology of Page and Goldsmith as the end points of the continuum. The aim of this paper is (1.) to reveal specific way of promoting the interests of Czech municipalities through the phenomenon of "regional patron" based on empirical research and (2.) to define the position of the Czech Republic as outlined in the continuum.




Jaroslav Čmejrek


ExternĂ­ odkaz Demokratický deficit v lokálním politickém prostoru ČR: možnosti a meze analýzy



Democratic deficit belongs to the most discussed topics in Czech political science arena. Usually, it is being perceived as aproblem of the institutional development of the European Union. This article focuses on the democratic deficit and its problems of legitimacy in the context of local governance and strives to indicate research possibilities of this phenomenon in the development process of the local public administration in theCzech Republic.




Petr Šašek, Alice Němcová Tejkalová


ExternĂ­ odkaz Rámcování tématu státního zadlužování v textech MF DNES a Práva před volbami do Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu ČR 2010



The analysis of framing of the topic of national indebtedness in Mladá fronta DNES and Právo before the election to the Chamber of Deputies 2010 shows noticeable differences between both Czech newspapers. Frames are well visible, especially in commentaries. The analysis confirms MF DNES is focused more on right-wing voters, Právo is focused more on the left-wing ones. According to MF DNES, the natinoal indebtedness is a real problem and it is necessary to solve it. The left-wing parties are responsible for the growing national debt of the Czech Republic and the right-wing parties can fight against this problem. On the contrary, according to Právo, national indebtedness is not a big problem. The right-wing parties just use this topic to threaten the voters and they cannot solve this problem better than the left-wing parties, although they claim it. Právo also offers more various framing than MF DNES.

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