Cílená proměna magistrátů českých velkoměst jako základ úspěchu? Příspěvek k evropeizaci komunální polity

Vratislav Havlík, Jana Kotrbová, Kristina Špottová
Targeted modification of municipal authorities as a key to success? Europeanization of local politics – a Czech case.
The article tracks and analyses changes that appeared on the level of municipalities after the admission of the Czech Republic to the European Union. It deals with two Czech cities, namely Olomouc and Ostrava and uses their cases as a best practice examples. Concerning the time setting, they are taken into consideration since the beginning of the current budgetary planning period of the EU, thus approximately since 2007. The text concentrates on the structural changes of polity, with special emphasis on the setting of the procedures and departments connected to structural funds. Its ambition is not to make any major generalizations but to show how the two cities performed in the adaptation to this aspect of europeanisation.