Co jsou úřednické kabinety a za jakých okolností vznikají? Česká republika v mezinárodním srovnání

Milos Brunclik
What are technocratic cabinets and under what conditions do they form? The Czech Republic in a comparative perspective
The article inquiries into the issue of technocratic cabinets both in theoretical and empirical perspectives. Given the lack of literature in this area the article seeks to clarify the concept of technocratic cabinets that need to be distinguished from caretaker cabinets or presidential cabinets. After conceptual matters are clarified, the article discusses the key factors and conditions under which technocratic cabinets are formed. As far as the empirical facet of the article is concerned, a list of technocratic cabinets in Europe after 1945 is presented. This overview serves as a pool of empirical examples to underpin some of the conceptual ideas as well as to support arguments about the origins of the technocratic cabinets.