Klasifikácia spôsobov kreovania základných orgánov obecnej samosprávy v európskej perspektíve

Daniel Klimovský
The classification means creation of basic municipal authorities in a European perspective
Basically, there are two polity systems at a local level in Europe. The first one is typical for a continental part of Europe – e.g. Austria, France, Germany or Italy – and might be called as municipal self-government. The second one which has been developed especially in the Anglo-Saxon conditions might be called as local government. Both these systems differ from each other in several points of view. However, this classification is not the final one, and also the countries that belong to one of the mentioned two groups differ a lot if one looks at one/a few feature/s of those systems. This article is centered on different countries’ approaches to the methods of creation of two fundamental local politico-administrative bodies – i.e. local councils and mayors. A main goal is to point out those methods, and to make an attempt on classification of European countries in terms of them. Obviously, a few selected examples and some relevant secondary data are utilized for the research purposes.