Pokus o reformu volebního systému pro volby do PS PČR z let 2007 až 2009.

Matěj Trávníček
An Attempt to Reform the Electoral System for Elections to the Chamber of Deputies from the Years 2007-2009
The article deals with an attempt of the second Mirek Topolánek's government to reform the electoral system for elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic. The first part is focused on the current electoral system. It presents it and examines its various components. The next section then briefly introduced the reform of the electoral system, which was rejected by the Constitutional Court in 2001 and sets out options and limits of the reforming the electoral system in Czech republic. After that, the alternative proposals for reform are very briefly introduced and finally the last part analyzes the final form of a failed attempt to reform. The emphasis is on the design of constituencies, the introduction of a bonus for the winner and the measurement of proportionality of the electoral system. In the conclusion are presented proposals to innovate if necessary of this attempt, so it can better meet firstly its objectives and secondly make that its individual components would be in better compliance.