Problémy současné demokracie: selhání aktérů nebo logika fungování systému?

Oldřrich Krpec
Problems of contemporary democratic political system: actor´s failure or feature of the system?
This study is a contribution to the discussion of democratic political system functioning. Text focuses on perceived problems of contemporary democratic system in processing satisfactory outputs consistent with a democratic ideal. The study presents political economy approach to this issue. The main goal is to offer possible answer to the question if presumed problems of political system are the outcome of failures of individual actors to behave rationally and predictably. Or are they rather determined by a number of discussed features of the system which to some extent shapes the logic of action of individual actors. The concepts used in the construction of simple model are costs of decision making, bounded rationality, role set, the approach of logic of collective action and for illustration of some features also the basics of game theory. The most important topics under discussion are the tensions between public and particular interests, efficiency of process and security of actors and costs of information and potential costs of rational ignoration.