Neliberálny populizmus na Slovensku: prípad tzv. rodovej ideológie

Marián Sekerák
Neliberálny populizmus na Slovensku: prípad tzv. rodovej ideológie
Illiberal Populism in Slovakia: The Case of the so-called Gender Ideology

In recent years a massive right-wing conservative attack has appeared across European countries aimed against the so-called gender ideology/theory. On the example of various written and spoken texts produced by politicians, scholars, conservative NGOs, and churchmen I elucidate that such “anti-gender” discourse does not avoid even the Central Europe or, more precisely, Slovakia. These texts are compared with each other, thoroughly analyzed and set within the framework of current illiberal populist wave. Their inherently anti-liberal nature, questioning the very grounding of liberal democracy, should be viewed as a threat to the civic liberties and human freedoms as based on previously-held civic consensus on incontestability of the liberal-democratic political order.