Surfování na migrační vlně v době populismu: Sekuritizace migrace ze strany poslanců Parlamentu České republiky.

Ondřej Stulík, Petr Krčál
Surfování na migrační vlně v době populismu: Sekuritizace migrace ze strany poslanců Parlamentu České republiky.
Surfing on the Migration Wave in the Age of Populism: Securitization of Migration by Deputies of Czech Parliamentary

The contribution of the following article is based on contribution to current discussion related to political populism. The study is anchored in theoretical approaches to populism and designed as CAQDAS of stenographs of speeches related to the “migration crisis” held by members of the Czech Chamber of Deputies. According to the theory of populism, we derived criteria for measuring populism and those were in the analytical part applied to analyzed data corpus. Main contributions of our study are following: 1. operationalization of analytical possibilities of the concept; 2. using valid and analytically relevant data that are not frequently used; 3. broadening of Czech debate related to populism (by empirically proving, that political party Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) is using very strong populist rhetoric 4. building ground for possible following research od populism in Czech/ European context.