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Milos Brunclik | Co jsou úřednické kabinety a za jakých okolností vznikají? Česká republika v mezinárodním srovnání | |
Abstract | The article inquiries into the issue of technocratic cabinets both in theoretical and empirical perspectives. Given the lack of literature in this area the article seeks to clarify the concept of technocratic cabinets that need to be distinguished from caretaker cabinets or presidential cabinets. After conceptual matters are clarified, the article discusses the key factors and conditions under which technocratic cabinets are formed. As far as the empirical facet of the article is concerned, a list of technocratic cabinets in Europe after 1945 is presented. This overview serves as a pool of empirical examples to underpin some of the conceptual ideas as well as to support arguments about the origins of the technocratic cabinets. | |
Lukáš Linek | Čistá a celková volební volatilita v Česku v letech 1990–2010: stejný koncept, odlišná měření a podobné závěry? | |
Abstract | The aim of the paper is to analyze electoral volatility in the Czech Republic during the years 1990-2013; and to evaluate whether during that period electoral volatility decreased, increased or was stable. The paper distinguishes between net and overall/gross volatility. The first one uses aggregate level data from the electoral results and measures the changes in the support of the political parties in consecutive elections. The second one uses individual level data from post-election surveys and measures the overall party switching between political parties. This division allows to compare both types of electoral volatility and to evaluate their biases. Moreover, the study decomposes the electoral volatility into within-system and extra-system volatility and into block and within-block volatility. Whereas electoral volatility had been decreasing since the middle of 90’s, the 2010 and 2013 elections marked a significant increase in electoral volatility. This volatility stemmed from the support for new parties and party switching within the blocks of left-wing and nonleft-wing parties. | |
Lenka Hrbková | Emocionální volič: stav studia emocí v politologii | |
Abstract | The main purpose of this article is to present current research of the role of emotions in political thinking and behaviour. Emotions have become an important topic in political science and political psychology in past 20 years. However, up to date not many related issues have been reflected in the Czech political science research. Emotions in political research can bring new perspectives on various interesting topics and also explain some basic processes of the black box of voters decision making and behaviour. The article presents a short introduction in the study of emotions, then there are basic theoretical approaches to emotions in politics discussed and also how can emotions be relevant to traditional issues of political science research is summed up. Concluding remarks deal with new challenges and opportunities within this field of study. | |
Vratislav Havlík, Jana Kotrbová, Kristina Špottová | Cílená proměna magistrátů českých velkoměst jako základ úspěchu? Příspěvek k evropeizaci komunální polity | |
Abstract | The article tracks and analyses changes that appeared on the level of municipalities after the admission of the Czech Republic to the European Union. It deals with two Czech cities, namely Olomouc and Ostrava and uses their cases as a best practice examples. Concerning the time setting, they are taken into consideration since the beginning of the current budgetary planning period of the EU, thus approximately since 2007. The text concentrates on the structural changes of polity, with special emphasis on the setting of the procedures and departments connected to structural funds. Its ambition is not to make any major generalizations but to show how the two cities performed in the adaptation to this aspect of europeanisation. | |
Jiří Mertl | „Kvalifikační standardy lidských zdrojů“ aneb metafory v reformách českého vysokého školství | |
Abstract | This critical and empirical text deals with the issue of the reform of the Czech tertiary education system, which has been taking place since 2009. The analysis is focused on the basic rationality of the reform, legitimization of the reform through the political communication, and setting the reform to the European context. The main theoretical and methodological approach to the issue is based on the metaphor analysis (Schön’s generative metaphors and Charteris-Black’s critical corpus analysis), governmentality, and communicative hegemonization of public space through the chains of equivalency. The outcome of the analysis is the fact that the reform was/is an effort to economize and neoliberalize the Czech tertiary education, in accordance with the European trend and Bologna process, and discussion whether the neoliberalization is desirable process. | |
Martin Riegl | Budou jihoafrické parlamentní volby v roce 2014 ve znamení oslabené většiny Afrického národního kongresu? | |
Abstract | Text provides an analyses of key political, demographic and economic factors at the state as well as provincial level which will heavily impact voting behavior and preferences during at fifth parliamentary (and provincial) elections next year. The most interesting questions about the following parliamentary elections are not concerned with who will win but with such questions as capability the political parties – Joseph Malema´s far-left Economic Freedom Party, centrist Agang and the main opposition party Democratic Aliance (DA) to challenge the African National Congress’ (ANC) predominant position in the political system of Republic of South Africa and its aim to gain a constitutional majority in The National Assembly. ANC is also close to electoral defeat by DA in the far most important province Gauteng, which is the political as well as the economic center of the state. The aim of the text is to analyze possible changes in voting patterns which might lead to crossing the political line still based on the racial cleavage. Political and economic destabilization of the Republic of South Africa would lead to broader regional destabilization. | |
Hroch Miroslav | The political cultures of Europe in historical context | |
Abstract | There is no doubt that Europe is a continent with a strong memory and with deep historical roots. For this reason, all attempts to start a new era with the "year Zero" - 1789, 1917 - failed. Even the most radical innovations included a strong impact of the past. Since Europe is also a continent composed of many different states, regions and lands, the past and the collective memory received different faces in different countries. If we try to analyze the political cultures of Europe, these two interconnected European specificities have to be considered. | |