Kamil Švec | Obsah | |
Vladimíra Dvořáková, Petr Vymětal | Postkomunistický stát a jeho kapacity. Jak to změřit? | |
Abstract | Since 1989 when communism collapsed in Central and Eastern Europe democratic constitutions have been passed, pluralistic society and competitive market economy have been formed, many countries have been integrated into European Union. Nevertheless, we witness a deep mistrust into the state, politics, institutions of democratic state and omnipresent frustration in post-communist societies. This study argues that the path of transformation has had a key impact on the character of the state and its capacity and that the post-communist state and its institutions work in different manner than the state and the same type of institutions in consolidated democracies. The main goal of this study is to open the discussion inside academic community how to measure such capacities of the state, which data are available and what can be the methodology used to verify the hypothesis about the low capacities of the post-communist states. | |
Lukáš Novotný | Liquid democracy a Pirátská strana v Německu | |
Abstract | The Pirate Party Germany (Piratenpartei Deutschlands) achieved probably the biggest upswing in comparison with other pirate parties in recent years. The party became the most visible bearer of ideas of pirate movement in the whole Europe. This analysis deals with the Pirate Party Germany and concept of „liquid democracy“ which is associated with the party. The analysis is focused on the origin and developement of the Pirate Party Germany. But it´s also focused on its recent activities (its strongpoints and weaknesses). This analysis is looking for causes of success of this party but it´s also looking for failures which are seen recently. | |
Tomáš Váňa | Aplikovatelnost teorie komunikace na zkoumání politických systémů | |
Abstract | This article presents a brief outline of Deutsch’s communication theory and proposes its modified adaptation in order to make it understandable in the current discourse. It thus argues that the viability of political systems can be analysed through the discernment of six crucial abilities of political systems, necessary for their viability, which are the creation, reception and processing of information and creation, application and reflection of decisions made on the basis of information. The argument is pursued through the application of the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) on the fall of the Eastern bloc at the end of the 20th century. | |
Petra Ježová | Nová konfliktní linie východ vs. západ v Evropském parlamentu ve volebním období 2004-2009: průkaznost na základě analýzy jmenovitých hlasování | |
Abstract | The main aim of the presented text is the research of external signs of new potential cleavage East vs. West in the European Parliament after the so called Eastern enlargement. The rendered statement is that considering the most massive enlargement of the EU about twelve new member states, mainly from central and eastern Europe that have undergone democratic transition, there has arised new cleavage East vs West, or new vs. old members in the European Parliament. This research attempts to capture external signs of cleavage observable empirically in the sixth electoral period of the European Parliament, 2004-2009. For this purpose there is going to be analysed shift in political group cohesion via roll-call votes analysis. Comparative index for the sixth electoral period there is going to be the fifth electoral period of the European Parliament, 1999-2004, in the fields of budgetary, structural funds, common agriculture policy, asylum policy and free movement of person policy. Analysed are going to be only drafts finally accepted by the EP or conceded to other institutions included in legislative processes. | |
Matěj Trávníček | Současná podoba a perspektivy volebního systému pro komunální volby v České republice | |
Abstract | The focus of this article is to introduce current state of Czech local electoral system, with all of its variables and as well shortly point out history of its development. Later, there is an effort to elaborate electoral system effects and an attempt to categorize it. Final section is dedicated to electoral engineering, which in context means at first a possibility of creating the electoral districts for a purposes of local elections and secondly contemporary (year 2013) proposals to cahnge electoral system. | |
Blanka Říchová | The Role of Political Elites in the Devolution of States from the Comparative Prospective | |
Article reviews
Marián Sekerák | Renezancia politickej teórie? | |