Jan P. Kučera | (Ne)politická filosofie Friedricha Nietzsche | |
Abstract | Interpretation disputes about Nietzsche‘s philosophy is still weakening. Nietzsche‘s texts are full of poetic and extremely rich imagination, and subtle psychological insight, full of expressivity, and exaggeration is ridiculous to overstatement, wonderful consistency and also frequent and quite obvious contradictions. The problem sui generis are Nietzsche‘s political views, or the area of his thinking, which could be, although only with certain reservations, call political. | |
Miroslav Nemčok, Bronislav Jaroš, Andrea Smolková | Za oponou volebních kalkulaček: Přehled jejich mechanických atributů a možností pro jejich nastavení | |
Abstract | Voting advice applications (VAAs) are extremely fast growing phenomenon, which has become an inherent part of political campaigning and politics. The discussion about the variability of their internal mechanical setup and its relevance for determining the quality of generated voting advices is almost completely absent. This paper fills the blank space and summarizes and systematizes current knowledge about the consequences of the different setups of particular mechanical attributes of VAAs. The article analyzes the position of the authors of VAAs during the creation of the application and eight areas in which they have to choose one of the options that is crucially determining the resulting quality of their applications: (1) amount of the statements and their proper formulation/wording, (2) the means for selection of included issues and statements, (3) selection of the included political subjects, (4) means for party positioning in political space, (5) the calculation method used for generating voting advices, (6) the answer pattern offered to users, (7) possibility of assigning saliency for particular policy areas, and (8) the ways of presenting the results to users. All the options within the above mentioned areas are analyzed with the aim to their possible consequences for the quality of generated voting advices. | |
Lukáš Novotný | Úspěchy Alternative für Deutschland ve třech zemských volbách v Německu | |
Abstract | The aim of this study is to examine the causes of successes party Alternative for Germany (AFD) in three provincial elections, which took place in Germany in the second half of last year. In this elections the Eurosceptic party won by a minimum 10 percent of the vote. In German politics so even more strongly than before he got the first time explicitly Eurosceptic political entity. Article focueses on accomplishments both sides in each provincial elections . In theory it comes from the premise that the AFD called niche party (draft of Bonnie Meguidon). The article shows that in the German elections (federal or European elections) is the central theme of Euroscepticism. In the elections to the regional parliaments becomes the significant issue more immigration and internal policy. | |
Radek Gábler | Analýza volebních preferencí mexického obyvatelstva od roku 2000 do současnosti | |
Abstract | PRI, one party regime in Mexico, ended in 2000. It had been maintaining almost 70 years. The government and the presidential post had been holding for two decades of the presidential period by party PAN. In the election in 2012 the power of PRI returned. The aim of this paper is to analyze the electoral preference of Mexican society during the years 2000-2012. This research attempts to capture the reasons why Mexicans changed their own opinions. This work is focused on the elections in 2000, 2003, 2009 and 2012, mostly discussing the economic and security situation, the success of the previous government, and the self-change of PRI. | |
Stela Csachová | Konsolidácia mestských častí v meste Košice – teoretické východiská a postoje verejných aktérov | |
Abstract | Many European cities have undergone the inner administrative structure changes in order to create a functional and cost-effective administrative system. Many times, there is a political-geographical disjunction of functional regions and politically constrained local governments. This paper introduces the question of administrative reorganisation of Košice – the second largest city in Slovakia. The reason to analyse it stems from the unevenness of its population size and number of local (city and city wards) councillors what makes an impression of economic ineffectiveness of „a bloated city“. The city is administratively organised at two tiers – the upper tier is a city-wide self-government and the lower tier is local self-government in city wards. It has a population of (234 thousand inhabitants (in 2015), 22 city wards, and currently 244 local councillors. Paper gives the reader a consistent set of information on administrative organisation of a city, structure and characteristics of city wards and division of competencies. There have obviously been political disputes and proposals for cost-saving measures in the last years. The paper presents the political maps of generalised opinions of city-ward mayors to the question of administrative reduction. It can clearly be seen from them that the mayors of inner city wards and panel housing estates claim for the integration whereas the mayors of historically autonomous municipalities call rather for the repeated autonomy. The author uses the traditional methods of qualitative research (historical method, analysis and synthesis) which are accompanied by tables and maps illustrating the spatial aspects of the presented topic. | |