Kristina Špottová | Horizontální evropeizace: teoretická úvaha nad horizontální formou konceptu evropeizace | |
Abstract | This article aims at the underdevelopment of the concept of Europeanization in general and its horizontal form in specific. Although the concept of Europeanization is the subject of number of researches, its horizontal form is still rather underdeveloped, despite the rather frequent usage of the name. The goal of this article is to provide the definition of the used but not adequately explained concept of horizontal Europeanization, based on the examination and analysis of its key aspects (i.e. process, change and subjects). The definition is in the further part of this article specified by distinguishing between the horizontal Europeanization and the cyclic Europeanization or false horizontal Europeanization, using the characteristics of the process and the activity of the EU institutions, respectively as the distinction. The definition of the concept of horizontal Europeanization serves as a theoreticalexplanation of the name used in current research and also as a background for better empirical understanding of the horizontal processes. The description and even discovery of such processes should be clearer and easier if based on this definition rather than on currently available general definitions or particular descriptions of selected processes. | |
Martin Kuta | Mezi stranou a parlamentem: o českých poslaneckých klubech | |
Abstract | The paper deals with the role of parliamentary party groups (PPGs) within political systems, more specifically parliamentary system of government. The author poses a question whether PPGs are of the parliamentary or the party origin. In the first part, the author conceptualizes a comparative role of PPGs in parliamentary systems. Based on the arguments of the collective action and the enforcement of voting unity of PPGs, the author embeds the PPGs in promoting party’s goals in the parliament. The second part is devoted to the analysis of Rules of Procedure of the Czech Parliaments since 1918 in order to identify the institutional position of PPGs. Further, we proceed to the analysis of party regulations. Based on both the Rules and regulations, we conclude that PPGs’ role consists in coordination of deputies’ activities and promoting of party goals (i.e. enforcement of collective action), and therefore may be embedded in the party basis of political process. | |
Vít Skála | Vliv sociálního kapitálu na rozvojový potenciál venkovských obcí | |
Abstract | There are more than five thousands of small municipalities in the Czech Republic with less than 3000 inhabitants. It is very difficult to strategically govern so vast amount of individual independent entities. Leaders, situation and stage of development vary municipality to municipality, and it is not easy to find some general pattern applicable to all of them. Some of these municipalities are growing, some of them not. Why? What causes such differences? There are several researches based on the regional typology trying answer these questions. But we can find two similar municipalities situated close to each other (same regional typology) but one is growing, and the second one is declining. This article introduces ambitious approach trying to explain these differences. Particular attention is paid to social capital as crucial phenomenon influencing municipalities’ development potential. Case studies are used as a research design. One hundred individual characteristics are examined in 18 selected villages from three different counties in Czech Republic. One-half of these are growing ones, the second half are declining. There were found ten indicators compounded in the index of municipality development potential. Open composition of this index allows diversification of public policies according to particular needs of individual municipalities. | |
Arnošt Novák | „Nic nechceme, nic nežádáme, bereme si, co nám patří!“ Sociologie nejnovějších sociálních hnutí. | |
Abstract | The article deals with concept of newest social movements (Richard Day). This movements which have been developing during the last twenty years of neoliberal governance act through prefigurative direct actions. They are conscious attempts to alter, impede, destroy and construct alternatives to dominant structures, processes, practices and identities. They challange logic of hegemony and seek to change to the root, thay want to address not just content of current modes of domination and exploitation, but also the forms that give rise to them. They proceed by logic of affinity, that is based on non-universalizing, non-hierarchical, non-coercive relationships and mutual aid and shared ethical commitments. The article argue to understand and explore this movements and non-branded tactics it is necessary to forsake of logic of hegemony and to be open new perspectives. | |